In August 2017 I set myself the discipline of doing a daily drawing or painting and have more or less managed to keep this up. You can also follow this regular project on Instagram. I used to use the Instagram address @MyDailyDrawingProject but this has now changed to:
December 2018:
November 2018:
October 2018:
September 2018:
August 2018:
June & July 2018. Enjoyed using watercolours and experimented with abstracts. Embraced "hot" colours - glorious reds, oranges and yellows. Inspired by previous foreign trips and a brief holiday in Devon in the heatwave.
APRIL & MAY 2018
Scuba trip to Aiyanar Resort in Anilao, Philippines, followed by liveaboard at Tubbutaha, a UNESCO Biosphere site in Sulu Sea
Scuba trip to Aiyanar Resort in Anilao, Philippines, followed by liveaboard at Tubbutaha, a UNESCO Biosphere site in Sulu Sea
APRIL 2018
A nice splash of creativity on holiday in Antigua, surrounding by blue sky, blue sea and pelicans!
A nice splash of creativity on holiday in Antigua, surrounding by blue sky, blue sea and pelicans!
MARCH 2018
Not so many drawings this month but three were proper finished pictures which took up the best part of a week each.
Not so many drawings this month but three were proper finished pictures which took up the best part of a week each.