November 2019
1 week in Barbados end of November. I flew out to meet my husband who had sailed there and we spent a lot of time with friends who had also arrived by boat. Weather was not good!
I like these abstract pastels converted to grey scale digital images.
November 2019, working on some semi abstract images based on the Indonesian reefs in the Banda Sea.
The final two weeks were spent on a beautiful wooden boat, called the Dewi Nusantara. We sailed the Banda Sea visiting uninhabited islands and diving on pristine reefs. Below are my travel sketch book paintings and drawings.
First week spent at Weda eco resort. It was extraordinarily remote without air con etc. One evening I went back to my basic wooden room shack to find a snake heading my way. The staff took it very seriously and caught it and returned it to the forest. It made me think it must be poisonous.Below are from my travel sketch book.
Drawings done on the very many flights I took.
September 2019. I spent a fabulous day with gilding expert Gay Weber who taught me some of the techniques. These are my first experiments.